Family Barometer

Family Barometers provide researched information on families and couples. They cover family policy, fertility and couple and family relationships.

We use Family Barometers to promote the debate on the well-being of the Finnish population, equality and the challenges and needs of different family types. The Alli Paasikivi Foundation supports the collection of the Family Barometer surveys.

The 2023 Family Barometer focused on the wishes and views of Finns on family policy. The data collection was supported by the Alli Paasikivi Foundation, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the NetResilience research consortium.

Questionnaires for the Family Barometer can be found at the bottom of the page. The 2024 Family Barometer will focus on relationships.

From 2022 onwards, the Family Barometer topics will be limited to four annual themes:

  • Childbearing
  • Family policy
  • Relationships and sexuality
  • Family relationships and friendship

We have been collecting Family Barometer data since 1997, and most of the data are archived and available for research through the Finnish Social Science Data Archive.

Check out the Family Barometer publications on our website in Finnish.

