SHARE instructions for researchers

Accessing the data

  1. Fill out the User Statement (link to SHARE’s international home page) and email it to The processing phase usually takes a few business days.
  2. After your application has been processed, you can download the data on our data portal (link to SHARE’s Research Data Center website).
  3. You’re all set! Now you can start using SHARE data. Reading the instructions below will help you get started. We recommend using readSHARE particularly when preparing the data.


Material for getting familiar with the data

We recommend downloading the data for all SHARE waves. This will add the answers given in previous waves for all respondents. The questions asked of respondents depend on two things: whether the person in question has been interviewed in the past and which member of the household is in question. The Waves overview site provides information on which questions have been asked in each country’s interview rounds. Please also note who-gets-which-questions Excel-form.