Equality and Fathers Project

The aim of the work was to strengthen parenthood and equality in working life and to improve father and family friendliness at workplaces.
The project was funded by The Finnish Work and Environment Fund and conducted by Väestöliitto, The Family Federation of Finland.
Partners of the Project
Research institutions
- Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics (JSBE)
- Hanken School of Economics
- Kela, The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Research Unit
Foxie (ent. Repo Work), Feelback, Ekvalita
Video production (2020)
Juho Länsiharju
Focus group interviews were conducted in September 2019 and autumn 2020 in all the partner organisations
Personnel Surveys Equality, Fathers and Family Friendliness were gathered in October‒November 2019 and re-Surveys in January 2021 to get information on
- how people experience work and family issues and balance in their everyday life
- how fathers as parents and parental leaves are handled in different organisations and industries
Communication and Publishing
Videos and podcasts were published in 2020, read more (in Finnish).
The first Media Release was published in January 2020, the next one is coming in November 2021.
ICMC Conference Paper Fathers’ opportunities to integrate work and family (Lämsä – Heikkinen – Kokko, 2021) Fathers’ opportunities to integrate work and family
Final report: Tasa-arvo tahdon asiana (Kokko, 2021), in Finnish
More information:
Anna Kokko, Programme Manager, WLB Specialist
The Family Federation of Finland – Väestöliitto
+358 50 3420572, anna.kokko@vaestoliitto.fi