Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) is a research infrastructure covering 28 countries. The survey follows people aged 50+ by interviews asking participants of their social, economic and health related life situations every two years. The openly available data provides tools for adequate policy interventions regarding population ageing across Europe.
Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe or SHARE is an ageing study that is carried out in 28 countries. The European Commission decided to start the research project in 2004 and Finland joined in 2017 during Wave 7.
SHARE allows us to compare living conditions of senior Europeans and their family members in different countries. Due to its multidisciplinary panel structure, SHARE data can be used to study the interactions of health, economy, work life and social relationships over time.
Researchers can access the data for free. Our project site has detailed instructions for getting started with SHARE data.
SHARE compressed into 3 minutes.
For additional information:
Johanna Lahtela, SHARE Country Team Operator
044 491 8993