Family-Friendly Workplaces

The Family Federation of Finland has granted the Family-Friendly Workplace Certificate® since 2017. The companies and organisations that have passed the program represent different industries and sizes and they have started their family-friendliness process at different levels.
The certificate is valid for the following employers (updated 18th December 2024):
- Barnavårdsföreningen i Finland rf. (in Finnish)
- Modirum Platforms Finland Oy (Cloudriven Oy)
- DNA Oyj
- Folkhälsan
- The Farmers’ Social Insurance Institution Mela
- Grant Thornton Oy
- Hydac Oy (in Finnish)
- Kela
- The Central Union for Child Welfare
- Miessakit Association
- Profiam Sosiaalipalvelut Oy (in Finnish)
- Stepfamily Association of Finland (Supli)
- Suomen Vanhempainliitto ry (in Finnish)
- Varsinais-Suomen Lastensuojelujärjestöt ry (in Finnish)