SHARE Baltic Sea conference in August

The first Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) Baltic Sea conference will take place in August.
SHARE is a multidisciplinary and cross-national panel database of micro data. SHARE provides data on the changing health, economic and social living conditions of Europeans aged 50 and over.
SHARE Baltic Sea conference brings together researchers from the Baltic and Nordic countries and different disciplines. It is an excellent opportunity to learn about research in the field, expand networks, deepen knowledge and create new opportunities for collaboration.
A keynote speech is given by Professor David Richter, Director SHARE Infrastructure.
Call for papers
Abstracts can be submitted by researchers from the Nordic and Baltic countries using SHARE data. Extended abstracts can be sent in PDF format to Terhi Auvinen ( at the University of Eastern Finland until 15 April. Read more instructions on the conference website.
Time: 27th of August 2024
Place: Väestöliitto, Kalevankatu 16, Helsinki
Website: SHARE Baltic Sea Conference