Generations and Gender Survey data collection starts

Welcome to hear about the GGS data collection (in Finnish) and Tomas Sobotka's lecture about pandemic birth rates on 14.9. from 2:00 pm
Finland joined Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) in 2020, and Väestöliitto will be carrying out Finland’s part of the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) data collection in autumn 2021. GGS includes questions about reproductive health, birth rates, family relations and family planning. The survey applies a panel design – collecting information on the same persons at few year intervals.
The data collection promises to bring fresh insights on low fertility, the complex life trajectories of young adults, and the dynamics of families.
- 14:00 Welcome words (Finnish/English)
- 14:10 About the GGS (Finnish)
- 14:30 Tomas Sobotka: ”Booms, busts and trend reversals. Shifts in births and fertility rates across the highly developed countries during the COVID-19 pandemic” (PDF file)
Tomas Sobotka leads the Vienna Institute of Demography research group on Comparative European Demography. He studies a broad range of topics related to fertility and family changes, including childlessness, fertility measurement, fertility intentions and assisted reproduction, as well as migration and population trends in Europe.