Alli Paasikivi Foundation supports research project

The Board of the Alli Paasikivi Foundation awarded 12 research project grants, which were announced at the Finnish Conference on Research on Family and Personal Relationships in Kuopio on 26.4.2024.
Alena Artamonova, a post doc researcher from the Population Research Institute of Väestöliitto, received the grant to study the life of elderly people without relatives, i.e. without a partner or children, in Finland.
Ageing is one of the key policy issues nowadays, with many societies facing an increasing proportion of older adults and their shrinking networks of informal caregivers.
Older people without relatives can be a vulnerable group with special needs. The aim of this study is therefore to assess the number of older people without kinship networks, to find out their socio-demographic characteristics and where they live geographically. It will also examine whether other family members and friends could replace the partner and adult children as carers.
Artamonova, Alena, PhD, MSc: Ageing alone? Kinless older adults and availability of substitute caregivers in Finland, Väestöliitto. Postdoc-tutkimus.
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Alyona Artamonova, post doc researcher