Sexual rights in partner countries

Sexual rights have been at the heart of our development cooperation since 1985. The realization of sexual rights increases well-being and gives people choices over their own lives. However, there are major challenges to the realization of sexual rights, especially in developing countries. For example, the right to one’s own sexuality, knowledge, contraceptive decisions or physical integrity is not realized for nearly everyone.
The greatest challenges in the realization of sexual rights are faced by people who, in one way or another, are the most invisible in the societies. That is why we focus our development cooperation on meeting the most vulnerable people and working to make everyone’s voice heard. We are working to ensure that the sexual rights of people with disabilities, as well as girls and women, are realized.
Competent and active NGOs also have an important role to play in strengthening the pluralistic, democratic and gender-sensitive society in our partner countries. That is why strengthening the expertise of our partner organizations is always part of cooperation. This way, we will bring about lasting change in our partner countries.