Kapua – fundraising for sexual rights
Kapua raises funds for a better world by climbing the world’s mountains and fells. Since 2006 Kapua has given over 300 Finnish volunteers the opportunity to participate in development cooperation by gathering a group of volunteers who have the desire to help and test their own limits. Kapua teams raise funds in yearly campaigns during which they travel to the campaign country to get to know the development cooperation project they raised funds for. During the trips the groups challenge themselves by climbing the highest peak of the country. Kapua team’s work is invaluable for the organizations involved as the Kapua team members also do active global communication in Finland about the good results of development cooperation.
KAPUA 2024
The campaign theme in 2024 is rights of young people and persons with disabilities in Nepal, as they face multiple forms of discrimination, and not everyone has equal access to quality education or health care. The fundraising target for each team member is one euro for every meter to the highest peak of the Annapurna Circuit trek (5416 m), which the team will take part in in autumn 2024. The proceeds of the fundraising will be channelled to support the development cooperation projects of Kapua’s long-standing partners Kynnys ry, Väestöliitto and Taksvärkki ry.