The Finnish All-Party Group Parliamentary on Sexual Rights and Development (APPG)

The Finnish All-Party Group Parliamentary on Sexual Rights and Development (APPG) was founded by members of parliament representing different political parties in 1995 on Väestöliitto’s initiative.
The aim of the Group is to to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights in Finland and in Finland’s development policy and ensure SRHR funding. The goal is also to promote the implementation of the Programme of Action of the UN Conference on Population and Development (Cairo 1994) in Finnish development cooperation.
The Group disseminates information, takes part in development policy discussion, takes stand on issues in Parliament concerning global sexual health and rights, gender equality and population policy issues. The group has MPs and Members of European Parliament from different political parties. Group is open to all MPs and MEPs. Väestöliitto acts as the Group’s secretary and adviser.
In line with UN Agenda2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals that universally apply to all countries, group promotes gender equality and SRHR also in Finland.