Heli Vaaranen etäsuhteista Cofacen webinaarissa 16.3.

Väestöliiton eurooppalaisen kattojärjestön Cofacen Family Labissa ovat esillä etäsuhteet perjantaina 16.3. Niistä puhuu Heli Vaaranen.
Johtava asiantuntija Heli Vaaranen pitää webinaarin kattojärjestömme FamiliesEurope COFACE:n Family Lab sarjassa:
Loving long-distance
16.3.2021 klo 10.30 – 12.00 Suomen aikaa
Yhteistyötahoillemme osallistuminen maksaa 5€ tai jos ilmoittautuu koko vuoden Family Labeihin, se on 30€.
Lisätiedot ja ilmoittautumiset löytyvät täältä.
Webinaari on englanninkielinen ja alla löytyy kuvaus:
Long-distance relationships have been growing in numbers for the past decades. Your loved one may not live in the same district, city or even country as you. What to do then? Research tells us that long-distance couples are great communicators, because they have to be. At the same time, they suffer from seeing each other too seldom, always waiting for and missing the other. They lack closeness and ordinary life as a couple, whilst living a more romantic life than the average couple – every time they meet it may be like a romantic dream. Couples suffer also from arguing. There are difficult things to solve, for example where to live once we move in together? Long distance couples suffer also from the major difficulty of fitting together two very different lives, and from the disappointment that after all, the romantic partner is not what you expected.
The Family Federation of Finland has gathered together useful research, free of charge on-line therapy sessions and information services, such as podcasts, about the challenges of long distance relationships. Unfortunately, this material exists so far only in Finnish. This webinar includes a description of these services and our experiences with long distance couples’ reality in the times of the pandemic, as well as an overlook into the long distance couple relationships today.